What do you think?
Why don't you leave the Roosevelt Room
the way the Roosevelts wanted it.
Because Eleanor Roosevelt was
too fond of chintz. That's why.
Mother, this isn't your house.
lf you're going to be a pest, I'll ignore you!
Mrs. Dale?
I saw you fight Sonny Liston in '69.
You were a nun back then?
We've always been fight fans,
haven't we sisters?
Byron Williams, telephone.
I must go.
You ladies have a nice time.
Oh, Louise.
Sorry to call you at work, but...
...the boys haven't been home
in two nights. I don't know what to do.
You're doing the best you can.
They're just at that age.
The casino manager's giving me
the evil eye. I've gotta go.
I'll call you later, okay?
Are you still cool on me
coming to Washington?
'Course I am.
You take care, okay? Bye.
Must you drink in front of me?
You're an adult. Just cope.
It doesn't help me
that all we ever do is sit in bars.
This is work, baby, okay?
I'm checking the decor,
the lighting, the traffic flow.
lf I'd known you'd turn into a crook,
I wouldn't have married you.