They're like insects.
They should be got rid of.
The perfect school is one in which
there are no children.
Do you agree, Miss Honey?
You! Front of the class!
Are you okay?
Next time I tell you
to empty your pockets, do it faster!
This could be the most
interesting thing you've ever done.
Sit down, you squirming worm!
Get up!
- Can you spell?
- We can spell "difficulty".
- You can't spell "difficulty".
- She taught us with a poem.
How sweet. What poem is that?
Mrs. D. Mrs. I.
Mrs. F. F. I.
Mrs. C. Mrs. U.
Mrs. L. T. Y.
Why are all these women married?
You teach spelling, not poetry!
Why do small children
take so long to grow up?
They do it deliberately,
just to annoy me.