Get up!
- Can you spell?
- We can spell "difficulty".
- You can't spell "difficulty".
- She taught us with a poem.
How sweet. What poem is that?
Mrs. D. Mrs. I.
Mrs. F. F. I.
Mrs. C. Mrs. U.
Mrs. L. T. Y.
Why are all these women married?
You teach spelling, not poetry!
Why do small children
take so long to grow up?
They do it deliberately,
just to annoy me.
What's funny?
Spit it out! I like ajoke
as well as the next fat person.
It's a snake!
It's a snake!
One of you tried to poison me. Who?
Matilda! I knew it.
- It's not a snake. It's a newt.
- What did you say?
- It's a newt. Miss Trunchbull.
- Stand up! You did this.
- No. Miss Trunchbull.
- Did you have accomplices?
- I didn't do it!
- You thought you'd pay me back?