- Here's the dock,
- We're on a dock? No wonder l'm seasick,
- (Trelawney) Ahoy!
- Morning, Squire,
Ah! There she is, the Hispaniola.
(all) Ah!
(Gonzo) Wow! Whoo-hoo!
- (Gonzo) Come on, let's go,
- (Rizzo) Let's go!
''Take a cruise,'' you said,
''See the world,'' you said,
Now here we are
stuck on the front of this stupid ship,
lt could be worse,
We could be stuck in the audience,
(they laugh)
Mr, Bimbo, the ship is provisioned,
the crew is in place,
and the captain should be on board
within the hour, You have been busy,
- Look - there goes Jim,
- Yeah,
Look - it's the boat-steering thing,
This is called the helm,
Hey, how does it feel,
Captain Hawkins?
- lt feels like we're really doing it,
- Like we're finally having an adventure,
l'm starving,
Where's the kitchen?
- (man) * Heigh ho, and up she rises
- Something smells good,
- (Gonzo) Cool,
- (man) * Heigh ho, and up she rises
* Early in the mornin'
* Put him in the longboat until he's sober
* Put him in the longboat till he's sober
* Put him in the longboat till he's sober
- * Early in the mornin'
- (clears throat)
What have we here? Stowaways,
l'm afraid we shish-kebab
and barbecue stowaways on this ship,