- Look - there goes Jim,
- Yeah,
Look - it's the boat-steering thing,
This is called the helm,
Hey, how does it feel,
Captain Hawkins?
- lt feels like we're really doing it,
- Like we're finally having an adventure,
l'm starving,
Where's the kitchen?
- (man) * Heigh ho, and up she rises
- Something smells good,
- (Gonzo) Cool,
- (man) * Heigh ho, and up she rises
* Early in the mornin'
* Put him in the longboat until he's sober
* Put him in the longboat till he's sober
* Put him in the longboat till he's sober
- * Early in the mornin'
- (clears throat)
What have we here? Stowaways,
l'm afraid we shish-kebab
and barbecue stowaways on this ship,
- l know, you must be the cabin boys,
- Yeah,
Hungry, lads? ln my galley
you're always welcome to help yourselves,
Yes! Thank you!
Yahoo! (laughs)
Oh, yes!
He's got a healthy appetite,
How about you?
- Huh?
- Here,
Hey, thank you,
My name is Gonzo,
He's Rizzo,
(eats noisily) Yo!
- You must be Master Hawkins,
- Yes, sir,
You needn't call
a lowly ship's cook ''sir,''
Long John Silver,
at your humble service,
We're just cabin boys, Mr, Silver,
Long John to his friends,
And believe me, a friend you can trust
is worth his weight in gold,
There's many a dark-hearted scoundrel
in these ports,