One Fine Day

What paper are you with, young lady?
I believe Mrs. Lieberman has spoken to Jack
Taylor and can back up everything he said.

Jack Taylor is a reckless man
with a gift for manipulating the truth!

I... I know Jack Taylor, sir...
...and... and... and... and he is...
pretty cocky most of the time...

...and he does seem to have somewhat of
a cavalier attitude, but at least he's honest.

I don't know what relationship
you have with Mr. Taylor...

...but you clearly know nothing
about politics or journalism.

That's it. No more questions. Thank you.
Look, Melanie. I got a kitty!
His name's Bob and Dad said I can keep him!

- Mr. Mayor?
- Jack, Elaine Lieberman didn't show up.

- I know that. Mr. Mayor!
- No, no, no, Mr. Taylor.

The press conference is over!
Mr. Mayor, you may be able
to strong-arm Manny Feldstein...

...and to buffalo my paper into printing
a retraction, and they may actually fire me.

- But we both know this garbage thing stinks.
- Pitiful, Mr. Taylor.

You and your little friend in the outfit.
Just pitiful!

What is pitiful, Mr. Mayor, is that
if I had a few minutes more...

...Elaine Lieberman would be here
with a cancelled cheque for $250,000...

...from a very well-known Mob front...
...made out to your re-election campaign.
That's a blatant fabrication! We both know
that no such cancelled cheque exists!

You know, you're right. I'm confused.
There would be no cheque.

But there would be a deposit slip.
Wouldn't there, Elaine?

- Come here. Hi. Can I have that, please?
- Hello, Sidney.

All right. This is dated March 15 of this year.
It is a deposit slip for $250,000.

That same day a deposit was made
into your campaign account for $250,000.

But I guess that was just a coincidence.
The press conference is over! I said over!
How'd you discover the account?
- Elaine, what can I say?
- Jack, it was my pleasure.
