One Fine Day

All the women I know like you
make me think all women are like you.

Oh my God. I almost forgot.
I've got a meeting. Drinks with clients.

It's 5.25. You're never gonna make it.
Mom! It's the last game of the season.
It's for the championships, Mom.

The coach said every kid has to play
or they don't get a trophy.

Even the losers get one.
But you don't get a trophy if you don't play.

- I know, but it's on the way. We'll make it.
- Let go of it.

I can't let go of it. It's my job.
Hold this.
Could we go to the 21 Club
instead? 21 West 52nd Street.

And don't try to take 14th
or 32nd or 44th across.

You can't make a left at this hour.
I... I know I can do this.
No, don't take Broadway. Try Sixth Avenue.
But after 23rd because of the construction.
Here we go.
Why don't you hold the cab? If I'm not back
in 15 minutes, go on ahead without me.

- You'll take longer than 15 minutes.
- I can do this.

OK, baby.
Mommy, what if you don't come
and Daddy doesn't come?

Oh, sweetheart, I'm going to be there. You are
the most important thing to me in the world.

- Your job is.
- No. You are.

But I have to do this now.
