One Fine Day

Here we go.
Why don't you hold the cab? If I'm not back
in 15 minutes, go on ahead without me.

- You'll take longer than 15 minutes.
- I can do this.

OK, baby.
Mommy, what if you don't come
and Daddy doesn't come?

Oh, sweetheart, I'm going to be there. You are
the most important thing to me in the world.

- Your job is.
- No. You are.

But I have to do this now.
Sammy, I know I've dragged you places and
left you and I've been a crazy person today.

But it's going to be better tomorrow. And
I promise I won't take longer than 15 minutes.

OK? Huh?
Hey, Sammy, come here.
Don't worry. She'll make it.
Let's get ready for soccer. Grab me that bag.

- Hello. How are you?
- I see my party.

I'm glad you could make it.
What's your poison?

- I'll just have some water.
- Nonsense.

You have some catching up to do.
She'll have a dry
vodka martini, straight up.

Hey. What are you
thinkin' about, kiddo?

I hope my daddy can come
to our soccer game.

Mommy hopes he can come too.
