- No stress. No media, no press.
- Aw, it's true.
- Nothin'.
- Just-- Just heaven.
- Hey, you're not supposed
to be buyin' drinks tonight.
- Wait.
- [ Nate ] Jimmy!
- Yo! George doesn't buy drinks
tonight. It's his birthday.
- Doc! Hey, you made it.
- For you.
- [ Woman ] Hey, hi!
- How's everybody?
- Hey.
- Still breathing in and out?
[ Chuckles ]
- Doc, you gotta try--
You gotta try that cake.
- What?
- Tito's wife made it.
It is macho bueno.
- Macho!
- Oh, Doc. Thank you.
- [ Man ] Hey, Jimmy!
- You're welcome.
- Yeah.
You're learning the moves,
George, but you've never played
amidst turmoil and confusion.
I wish we could go back
to checkers. Maybe I could win.
No, no, no, no.
You have potential, George.
I always said George Malley has
something extra to offer this world.
- I said that the day I,
uh, circumcised you.
- [ Tito Laughs ]
- He says that every birthday!
- It was a bad joke, I know.
- [ Chuckles ]
- You know, you ruined
my chance of romance today...
- with that obscene stunt
in the window.
- It was an outrage!
- A criminal act.
- It was a disgrace!
Okay, there was a beautiful girl
who walked right away from me.
- It was so embarrassing.
- George, you talking about
the one with the chairs?
- Yeah.
- They-- They are not
all that comfortable.
Well, I think they're perfect,
but you gotta learn how to sit in 'em.
Ah, here you go. On the house,
everybody. Happy birthday.
Oh, Jimmy, Jimmy.
There's no smoking section in heaven.
Aw, don't start, Doc. Don't start.
Pass those out. Pass 'em out.
Georgie. George.
Happy cumpleanos, amigo.
- Hey, amigo.
- [ Everyone ]
Good luck. Happy birthday.
- You all set?
- Yeah.
This is great.
This is great.
[ George ] Tito!
Wait, wait, wait. Tito!
Thanks for comin' to my party, man.
[ Laughing ]
- [ Tito ] Happy birthday, kid.
- Yeah. Happy birthday.
[ Sighs ]
Yup. Happy birthday.