Tell him to find out how to ask
where a lost boy is. Got that?
- George Malley?
- You bet. [ Chuckles ]
George. Go on, do it.
Just go on. Go on!
[ Phone Ringing ]
- Don't you answer that?
- Not when I'm working.
I been farmin' all my life,
- [ Ringing Continues ]
- but this growth is amazing, George.
[ Laughs ]
This is embarrassing.
You know, I want to try
this fertilizer in your south 40.
You just sprayed my boots.
It's the worst soil in the county.
I can't even get weeds
to grow in that field.
But I bet we can get corn
to grow in that field.
You bet? You don't have
any money to bet.
You spent all your money
on chairs, remember?
[ Vehicle Approaching ]
[ Attila Barks ]
- George Malley?
- Yeah, I'm George Malley.
I-I'm John Ringold.
We talked on the phone the other day.
- John Ringold? From Berkeley?
- Yes. Yes.
- [ Laughs ] Right! Hi.
- Yeah.
- Hey, I'm glad you came by.
- Will your dog let me step out?
Oh, yeah, yeah. Well, he just
has a thing for seismologists.
Now, come on out.
- Thank you.
- Yeah, this is my friend, Nate Pope.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
- L-Let me get you
a cold drink. Come on in.
- From the university, huh?
- Yes.
- Uh-huh.
And, uh, we are very interested
in how you were able to predict
that earthquake, Mr.Malley.
Oh, that.
You see, I-I just picked up
the subsonic frequency waves, right?
And, of course, I was standing
on the fault, so that made it easier.
- What instrumentation did you use?
- Just me.
If you think that's something,
you should see him move stuff
with his brain.
Nate! Never mind that. You see,
I felt the ultralow frequency waves.
And they kind of made me dizzy
and nauseous, right? And
that's how I perceived all this.