I hope I'll be there one day too.
Why wouldn't you be?
I will be. I intend to.
Mommy didn't want to.
She wanted to stay with me.
She'll be back tonight.
I better hurry back to bed.
What are you doing?
I can't tell you.
Don't tell me. I don't care!
Can I stay with you?
Mommy didn't come last night.
What do you want to play?
I don't want to play.
I'm waiting for my mother.
Dead people never come back.
Jesus did it for his friends.
I'm more than a friend.
I'm mommy's daughter.
Grandpa never came back.
Because no one was waiting for him.
You're not playing?
I can't find Delphine.
Ponette's waiting for her mom.
It's just a game.
No, she's really waiting.
Won't you play with Mathias?