Qin song

I must bring
the Qin king a trophy.

You mean this?
You are most perceptive.
If I take your head
and a map of Y an...

then I can approach him.
I can avenge your family
and the nation.

Okay, I'm bound
to die soon anyway...

but you will need
someone's help.

Varnish it.
I've kept you waiting.
I hear you're leading
the Y an resistance.

Is that so?
The Qin king
f orced me to flee.

He slaughtered...
my whole family.
What's past is past.
The Qin king
has sent f or you many times.

He must like your music
very much.

So why doesn't he come himself?
He is coming.
The Qin are at our borders.

If you'd accompany
our assassin...

you'll prevent Qin hegemony.
Unification would be good.
Musical notes
could be standardiZed.

Then music could spread

Let me play my new tune.
Never pass up a chance
to savor beauty.

This guy's no assassin.
