Gao Jianli, if you really are
worse off than me...
maybe you are better off dead.
This is stewed wild boar.
My father
has more than 30 daughters...
but he loves me the most.
I was the first born.
Later on,
when he had more children...
they didn't seem
so special to him.
One time...
he took me riding.
The horse reared and threw me.
I haven't been able to walk since.
I was like you then.
I wouldn't eat or drink.
I just wanted to die.
My father has told me so often...
that you are a great musician,
but that's not the man I see.
I just see
a walking corpse...
acting as stupidly
as I once did.
A hero doesn't go back
on his word.
Come walk on clouds
with me.
As soon as we have unified China...
we must standardiZe language...
and the law.
And weights and measures, too.