Music is like people:
full of sadness.
Y es, but no hatred.
It's sublime.
Have you seen a genius
like him bef ore?
My only wish
is to make Y ueyang smile.
If she smiles,
I smile, too.
And if I smile,
everyone smiles.
But, Sire, I want to weep.
If you weep,
I weep, too.
And if I weep,
everyone weeps.
Gao, only you have this ability.
Father, you are incapable
of tears.
This is the second time
we've shared a ride.
You first.
Your Ma jesty,
I wouldn't dare.
But you have my consent.
You might throw me out again.
It wasn't me
that did that.
Look. We've served His Ma jesty
so long...
but has that ever happened
to us?