Qin song

If you weep,
I weep, too.

And if I weep,
everyone weeps.

Gao, only you have this ability.
Father, you are incapable
of tears.

This is the second time
we've shared a ride.

You first.
Your Ma jesty,
I wouldn't dare.

But you have my consent.
You might throw me out again.
It wasn't me
that did that.

Look. We've served His Ma jesty
so long...

but has that ever happened
to us?

Those two brothers thought
they'd con me.

I certainly played along
with them.

One's dead.
The other's off to sea
with the kids.

If he can find that island...
we'll incorporate it
into the kingdom.

If he can't,
the fish'll eat him.

You can't f eed the kids
to the fish, too.

Why not?
It's a gamble,
but losing can be fun too.
