The blood we've spilt
hasn't dried yet.
We're getting decadent,
like our rivals.
Stupid and debauched!
Desire can lead astray
or give an aim.
Music tricks the ear
but can also move it.
It can make me
sing or weep...
and make everyone else
f ollow along.
We don't just want
to brand prisoners.
We also want to brand
hearts and minds.
This anthem will enable us
to do this.
And the only person
who can compose that anthem...
is Gao Jianli.
Is anyone still opposed?
Don't cool your asses
in the breeZe.
Sit up.
Set f orth.
T ake the ma jor Qi towns first.
When you attack the capital,
I will come.
With this battle,
we will unify China.
And Gao will fight
f or hearts and minds.
You are all dismissed.
Yes, Sire.
I'm working to guarantee
the marriage.
We'll hold the wedding
when we return.