Sir, there's not enough time.
You must.
The ceremony must be perf ect.
Sir, it's just a ritual.
I don't think
that's all my anthem is.
But the Qin anthem
has become a Y an song.
You're a hero
and highly refined.
You're even more refined.
That chime needs to be
filed down.
Y es, sir.
You and I are the same.
But you've saved
25,000 slaves' lives...
and you got promoted
to a high position.
- I pale by comparison.
- Again!
Starting with the drums!
You must wear this
in case of attack.
That's too heavy
and uncomf ortable.
These Qi soldiers
are half-starved.
They couldn't even
pull back their bows.
You must wear it.
I can't let anything
happen to you.
Do I really need
to wear this?
Note that down.
No, f orget it.
Shouldn't we stop
f or the victory rite?