You must wear this
in case of attack.
That's too heavy
and uncomf ortable.
These Qi soldiers
are half-starved.
They couldn't even
pull back their bows.
You must wear it.
I can't let anything
happen to you.
Do I really need
to wear this?
Note that down.
No, f orget it.
Shouldn't we stop
f or the victory rite?
How could you dare
not join in?
So, you're an arrogant official now.
Y ueyang.
I am also
under His Ma jesty's orders
I must go to the clan temple
and pray.
I'm dropping by
to congratulate you.
Y ueyang.
Do you want to be
a deaf composer?
You should congratulate me, too.
I want you to play
on my wedding night...