
Don´t you? I read about you
and that union guy.

You should´ve gone to jail
for that, but I guess you´re
a pretty goddam good liar, huh?

I saw you on TV, Tom...
telling everybody
how innocent you were.

I looked at your eyes.
You know what?
You´re a lyin´-ass dog, pal.

I know you paid that guy off.
You´re a payer.
You did it once.
Now you´re gonna do it again.
- You okay?
- Yeah.

- Listen, Cub. You want me to do this?
- Jimmy said me.

- Fuck what Jimmy said.
- Look, I know the job, man.

Clark, man.
I ain´t giving Jimmy
the money until he cuts the kid loose.

l-- I just ain´t
gonna do it, man.

What are you-- Cub.
You a movie fan, Tom?
- Ever see that movie The Time Machine?
- No.

lt´s the, uh,
land of the future, right?

There´s only two kinds
of people in the world now:

the Morlocks and the Eloi.
- Okay.
- And the Elois, they live above ground.

They wear togas.
They´re all blond.
