Clark, man.
I ain´t giving Jimmy
the money until he cuts the kid loose.
l-- I just ain´t
gonna do it, man.
What are you-- Cub.
You a movie fan, Tom?
- Ever see that movie The Time Machine?
- No.
lt´s the, uh,
land of the future, right?
There´s only two kinds
of people in the world now:
the Morlocks and the Eloi.
- Okay.
- And the Elois, they live above ground.
They wear togas.
They´re all blond.
They eat grapes
and shit like that.
But it´s like
the Garden of Eden there.
I mean, basically, everybody
just lays around, listens to harp music.
- How do I get my boy back?
- Now, the Morlocks...
they live underground, right?
Big, hairy, ugly suckers
like you wouldn´t wish on an ape, right?
They´re down there with all this
machinery. They´re doing all the labour.
They´re making sure that the Elois
have enough food and-- and togas.
- Are you gonna answer me?
- Well, this is a great deal
if you´re an Eloi, right?
There´s only one thing.
Every once in a while,
a Morlock comes up to the surface...
and snatches an Eloi,
takes him down there.
All right, I´m done driving ´til
you tell me what I want to know.
The Morlocks,
they don´t eat grapes.
They´re cannibals.
They eat Elois.
So when I think about,
uh, The Time Machine...
it kind of reminds me
of New York City, you know?