when we don´t need him any more.
Now, use your fuckin´ head.
Go check on the kid.
lt´s all right. Go on.
Go on.
They kill your brother,
and you wanna walk away?
What the hell does that make you?
This thing is not over.
I swear to you right now...
now, more than ever...
this guy will pay.
Can I have a chocolate bar?
- I know you.
- No, you don´t.
Don´t look at me!
Don´t look at me.
Chocolate bar. What,
do you think this isn´t happening?
What, you think your dad´s gonna come in
and save you? ls that what you think?
Well, he ain´t.
Nobody´s comin´, all right?
You understand that? Nobody´s comin´,
´cause this is it for you.
...surfacing surrounding
the high-profile kidnapping case
of Tom Mullen´s son, Sean.
- New York One has
exclusive information about--
- You know what the brothers call this?
This is "more drama," right?
Like, "Shit, man, more drama?
Best stay indoors today."
You ever hear that?
"More drama."
More drama. More Dramamine.
- You all right?
- No, yeah. Yeah, good.