Can I have a chocolate bar?
- I know you.
- No, you don´t.
Don´t look at me!
Don´t look at me.
Chocolate bar. What,
do you think this isn´t happening?
What, you think your dad´s gonna come in
and save you? ls that what you think?
Well, he ain´t.
Nobody´s comin´, all right?
You understand that? Nobody´s comin´,
´cause this is it for you.
...surfacing surrounding
the high-profile kidnapping case
of Tom Mullen´s son, Sean.
- New York One has
exclusive information about--
- You know what the brothers call this?
This is "more drama," right?
Like, "Shit, man, more drama?
Best stay indoors today."
You ever hear that?
"More drama."
More drama. More Dramamine.
- You all right?
- No, yeah. Yeah, good.
- Kimba, listen to this.
- lt shouldn´t be a problem.
- That.
After "lt shouldn´t be
a problem," what do you hear?
Wait. Play it back again.
- lt shouldn´t be a problem.
- lt sounds like some kind of horn.
Yeah, I know it´s a horn,
but what-- lt´s like--
- lt´s like there´s a horn,
a sort of foghorn.
- lt´s too fast for a ferry.
lt shouldn´t be a problem.
In the meantime,
now you give her a big hug from me.
Nah, I don´t care.
You wake her up.
Nah, don´t wake her up.
I´m just--
Ah, girl, I am so glad
we are not rich.
You just gotta thank God
for what you have.
I love you too. I gotta go.
I´m gonna call you back.
Okay. Bye-bye. Hey.