- Kimba, listen to this.
- lt shouldn´t be a problem.
- That.
After "lt shouldn´t be
a problem," what do you hear?
Wait. Play it back again.
- lt shouldn´t be a problem.
- lt sounds like some kind of horn.
Yeah, I know it´s a horn,
but what-- lt´s like--
- lt´s like there´s a horn,
a sort of foghorn.
- lt´s too fast for a ferry.
lt shouldn´t be a problem.
In the meantime,
now you give her a big hug from me.
Nah, I don´t care.
You wake her up.
Nah, don´t wake her up.
I´m just--
Ah, girl, I am so glad
we are not rich.
You just gotta thank God
for what you have.
I love you too. I gotta go.
I´m gonna call you back.
Okay. Bye-bye. Hey.
Why would this guy, these people--
Why would they--
Why would they ever let
my son go no matter what I do?
I mean, no matter what I do.
l mean, pay, don´t pay, comply,
tell him to go fuck himself.
Why would they give him back?
I mean, he´s a witness
any way you cut it.
lt´s all bullshit. lt´s all just--
just seven out of ten.
What are you saying?
All right.
Morlock Man gets his money,
l don´t think we´ll ever see Sean again.
That´s if he´s still alive
to begin with.
- Well, now...
- Tom?
are you talkin´ about not paying?
- No. No, we pay him.
- Now, wait a minute. Listen to me.
Morlock Man says the pick-up guy
will give me an address for Sean.