
- Yeah?
- Your brother on two.

Oh, fuck! Okay.
- Stop it.
- Have you thought about it?

I don't have to think about it.
How long before they figure out
you don't have a brother?

First, I am born. Then the trouble begins.
At age five,
I fantasize that I'm an orphan...

by trying to lose my parents
at a Fourth ofJuly celebration.

They find me.
At age nine,
I have an out-of-body experience...

while playing right field.
Three runs score.
At age 15, I'm seized
by an acute sensation...

that something terrible
will happen to me.

#Inside out in his ear #
# Upside down in his ear #
# Over and over your head #
# Over and over your head #
# Open your mind to it
Close your behind to it #

# Changing your mind to it #
#Kiss it #
#Are you gonna get with it #
#Are you gonna get with it #
- #Are you gon--##
- I don't usually do these sorts of things--

- um, interviews.
- All right.

- Is this being filmed or taped?
- It's filmed.
