Sgt. Bilko

A scorpion and a brandy alexander.
That's what she says...
The future
Mrs "Permission to Speak Freely"?

Oh, no. I mean, I don't know her.
I never even... I don't know her.

(music ends)
Thank you very much, everybody.
we'll be back in just a couple of minutes.

- I'll introduce ya.
- You know her?

- No.
- She's with someone.

A detail.
- Ah, you must be in Bravo company.
- No, Charlie company.

- Charlie Company! Haven't you heard?
- What?

You're shipping out -
Operation Vacuum Cleaner.

- Operation...
- Shh!

I want his name. I want it known
that in this moment of crisis...

...this man chose to sit here
and eat bar nuts.

- I didn't know!
- Go ye into the night! Hut, hut, hut, hut!

All right. Now I'll settle this.
- Hmm.
- Excuse me?

You were right. Those are
the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.

- Did he say that?
- Oh, yeah.

He said your eyes were like diamonds
sparkling on a summer night.

The old sergeant's eyes didn't see what
he saw. Anyway, here's the $20 I bet you.

I think the least you can do is sit down
and buy this young lady some dinner.

Sit down and buy dinner! Go! Hey!
Ah, to be young again.
- That's my sergeant.
- Oh.

Oh! Major Ebersole, boys.
Welcome to the Spur.

Oh, I've been here before.
Uh... five years ago.

I had... a scotch and soda.
Good. A place like this
depends on repeat business.

They're repainting our club, so we had to
move our weekly poker game down here.

Poker. I've heard wonderful things
about that game. Can I watch?

- You don't play poker?
- I'm pretty busy at the motor pool...

...up to my elbows in grease. Maybe
I could join... Oh, no, there's a problem.
