three or four times a week.
But old man Dixon...
he had a boy...
name of Jesse Dixon.
Jesse was more cruel
than his daddy was.
He used to make
quite a bit of sport of me...
when I was down there
at the schoolhouse.
Used to take advantage of the girls
in the neighborhood.
They used to say...
that my mother was a very pretty woman.
They said that quite a bit
when I'd be there at the schoolhouse.
I reckon you want me to get on with it
and tell you what happened.
So I reckon I'll tell you.
I was setting out in the shed
one evening, not doing much...
just staring at the wall...
and waiting on my mother
to give me my Bible lesson.
I heard a commotion in the house...
so I run up on the screened-in porch
to look inside.
I looked in and seen my mother laying
on the floor without any clothes on.
I seen Jesse Dixon
laying on top of her.
He was having his way with her.
I just seen red.
I picked up a Kaiser blade that was
sitting by the door.
Some folks called it a sling blade.
I called it a Kaiser blade.
It's got a long, wood handle,
kind of like an ax handle...
with a long blade shaped like a banana.
Sharp on one edge
and dull on the other.
It's what the highway boys use
to cut down weeds and whatnot. Yeah.