and waiting on my mother
to give me my Bible lesson.
I heard a commotion in the house...
so I run up on the screened-in porch
to look inside.
I looked in and seen my mother laying
on the floor without any clothes on.
I seen Jesse Dixon
laying on top of her.
He was having his way with her.
I just seen red.
I picked up a Kaiser blade that was
sitting by the door.
Some folks called it a sling blade.
I called it a Kaiser blade.
It's got a long, wood handle,
kind of like an ax handle...
with a long blade shaped like a banana.
Sharp on one edge
and dull on the other.
It's what the highway boys use
to cut down weeds and whatnot. Yeah.
I went in the house...
and I hit Jesse Dixon
upside the head with it...
knocked him off my mother.
I reckon that didn't satisfy me...
so I hit him again in the neck
with the sharp edge...
and just plumb near cut his head off,
killed him.
My mother jumped up
and started hollering...
"What did you kill Jesse for?"
Well, come to find out...
my mother didn't mind
what Jesse was doing to her.
That made me madder
than what Jesse'd made me...
so I took the Kaiser blade--
some folks called it a sling blade,
I called it a Kaiser blade--
and I hit my mother
upside the head with it.
Killed her.