Your potential is frightening
You want the job?
I'll take it
Pick up your pink probationary
coveralls from ammos and supply
See you keep them clean
Pink, huh?
They are pink
Mike, congratulations
John, Mike got himself a new job
Normally we'd have some kind
of blowout... for that
But I see from your pajamas
whom you're working for
Which is nothing to celebrate
John, not everyone
can be independent
Not everyone
can drive their own rig babe
John, I'm sorry
about your losing your job
It's my only shot
I'm out of money.
I'm out of credit
Somebody's gotta
get these pigs to Titan
You took a fearless
world of inventory, kid
And then you took my job?
If you can live with that, great
But I don't have to
Now you hump yourself down
to the other end of the ball
Look, I treat you with respect
I'm asking you to do the same here
Keller's here
Look, kid
Your boss brought the circus
with him
We've come to pay our respect
The circus
A pair of trained turds
are right here
He's just blowing steam,
Mr. Keller
The Kev thing got people upset
Slam your teeth, Delia
I want you off this hub, Canyon
I like to oblige you
If you'd paid me
I'd be gone by now
We've fueled your rig
Now move your ass down there
and off this station
I don't work for you
Somebody said something?