If you can live with that, great
But I don't have to
Now you hump yourself down
to the other end of the ball
Look, I treat you with respect
I'm asking you to do the same here
Keller's here
Look, kid
Your boss brought the circus
with him
We've come to pay our respect
The circus
A pair of trained turds
are right here
He's just blowing steam,
Mr. Keller
The Kev thing got people upset
Slam your teeth, Delia
I want you off this hub, Canyon
I like to oblige you
If you'd paid me
I'd be gone by now
We've fueled your rig
Now move your ass down there
and off this station
I don't work for you
Somebody said something?
You don't mess with me, Canyon
And you never ever
mess with the company
Now hold on, Mr. Keller
The man's with his rights here
Step off, kid
The kid's a real space lawyer
Get away from me, Canyon
Jackie, do something
Jackie, do something
My god, somebody help me
Somebody, please