Charming spot.
Look. Steven Spielberg's house.
I wish he'd come in here.
I'm sure he would have big hots for me.
You'd turn his whole life around.
Steven Spielberg's shower. Can you
imagine me and him in that shower?
-Oh, that cute little beard!
-Yours or his?
Hey, Jerry, it's Erin Grant.
What a long beep.
Someone's waiting for you.
Maybe you're out of town...
I'm just calling to see about
that legal matter we discussed.
If you get a chance,
just give me a call at the club.
Thanks, bye.
-Michael Jordan's at table eight!
Say hello to
the fantastic Monique, Jr. !
Lieutenant Garcia with homicide.
What's he want with Erin?
Got no idea.
All I need is scandal.
What do you know about Prozac?
It makes you happy.
There's side effects.
Like what?
Limp noodle.
Who cares?
I haven't had a hard-on
since I started running this place.
Closest I got was Sea World.
Porpoise got me hot.
What the fuck
you telling me that for?
I'm going next door.
See what Ling's up to.
Oh, my God.
He had pictures of you
all over his apartment.