
Lieutenant Garcia with homicide.
What's he want with Erin?
Got no idea.
All I need is scandal.
What do you know about Prozac?
It makes you happy.
There's side effects.

Like what?
Limp noodle.
Who cares?
I haven't had a hard-on
since I started running this place.

Closest I got was Sea World.
Porpoise got me hot.
What the fuck
you telling me that for?

I'm going next door.
See what Ling's up to.

Oh, my God.
He had pictures of you
all over his apartment.

He was a really big fan.
He used to bring me flowers-

He was just a fan?
There was no touching?

This has been a real pleasure.
I dance so I must turn tricks.
Nice way to open a conversation.
"I understand you're a hooker?"

You don't work in a library here.
I'm trying to figure out
the man's life.

He was a customer.
That's all I know about his life.
Except that it's over.

I apologize.
Sincerely. Look, I'm real-
I'm nowhere on this.

I could use some-
Please give me a minute?

-So where did this happen?
-Lake Okeechobee.

It's where I made the serious
mistake of taking my vacation.

Your family?
It's not the kind of place
you'd expect to encounter a homicide.
