Wonder what she's bringing me?
Are you Shizuko's sister?
I don't speak Chinese.
No Chinese?
Then who are you?
You're so cute.
What's your name?
Doesn't have one, she says.
CaII her anything you want.
Is that aII?
Everyone has to get by
on their own.
Work hard so you get out'a
here soon
ShaII we go?
Done this before?
ObviousIy not.
Something Iike this.
This wouId Iook great on you.
Look in the mirror.
I used to be a schooI teacher.
I was pretty good at teaching.
You can caII me ''teach''
Go ahead, say it.
What, forget something?
I changed my mind
it isn't enough.
I want more.
That's aII I've got.
Then forget it.
AIright another 1 0,000.
How about 30? Wait ! 30,000 !