ShaII we go?
Done this before?
ObviousIy not.
Something Iike this.
This wouId Iook great on you.
Look in the mirror.
I used to be a schooI teacher.
I was pretty good at teaching.
You can caII me ''teach''
Go ahead, say it.
What, forget something?
I changed my mind
it isn't enough.
I want more.
That's aII I've got.
Then forget it.
AIright another 1 0,000.
How about 30? Wait ! 30,000 !
He said he's gonna pay.
That man...
What? I didn't hear him.
That pIace is a shit hoIe.
Never Iet yourseIf go cheap.
I'm sorry.
Looking at this?
You Iike butterfIies?
Not reaIIy.
Japanese caIl these ''Ageha''
...these butterfIies.