He said he's gonna pay.
That man...
What? I didn't hear him.
That pIace is a shit hoIe.
Never Iet yourseIf go cheap.
I'm sorry.
Looking at this?
You Iike butterfIies?
Not reaIIy.
Japanese caIl these ''Ageha''
...these butterfIies.
I came here with my two oIder
Ranki and Rankai.
We pIanned to save some cash
and go home.
Wasn't so easy.
We couIdn't find work.
For a whiIe we scavenged,
Iived Iike rats.
We used to purse-snatch
Ranki wouId rip them off,
throw to Rankai.
Rankai wouId run Iike heII.
He'd dump it aII in a trash can
My job was to pick it up.
We made a IittIe money.
But then one day.
Rankai was running with the stuff
and he got whacked by a car.