These are the counterfeit notes.
In the city we've found nearIy
1 0,000 in a matter of days.
Looks amateurish.
ActuaIIy it isn't.
Take a Iook at this.
This is the stoIen magnetic data.
Rio Ranki, huh?
Kind of crude for his M.O., isn't it?
''Thousands ofcounterfeitbills
appear throughout city''
Oh, my god.
What a piece of junk!
This whoIe pIace is ours?
I don't have many properties
Iike this.
You were Iucky.
You'II need a dummy owner.
Yentowns aren't aIIowed to
make contracts.
Owner? He's gotta be Japanese?
It's OK we'II find someone.
Now, about the staff....