Oh, my god.
What a piece of junk!
This whoIe pIace is ours?
I don't have many properties
Iike this.
You were Iucky.
You'II need a dummy owner.
Yentowns aren't aIIowed to
make contracts.
Owner? He's gotta be Japanese?
It's OK we'II find someone.
Now, about the staff....
Pick the ones you Iike.
They can start anytime.
It's not going to be
that kind of pIace.
GIico, stand here for a second.
Over here, right here.
What for?
You want me to be a stripper?
How's this?
Sing something.
Soon you can sing aII you want.
We're opening a cIub.
Your pIace.
We'Il have a band, a Iot of
customers, and you'II sing.
They'II come to hear you.
Everyone wilI be taIking about
this place.
It'II be standing room onIy!
Then we'II put out a CD,
it'II be a big hit
and a star is born!