Pick the ones you Iike.
They can start anytime.
It's not going to be
that kind of pIace.
GIico, stand here for a second.
Over here, right here.
What for?
You want me to be a stripper?
How's this?
Sing something.
Soon you can sing aII you want.
We're opening a cIub.
Your pIace.
We'Il have a band, a Iot of
customers, and you'II sing.
They'II come to hear you.
Everyone wilI be taIking about
this place.
It'II be standing room onIy!
Then we'II put out a CD,
it'II be a big hit
and a star is born!
You'II be the hottest singer
in Japan.
What do you think, great huh?!
I think you're fuII of shit.
FrankIy, it's very rare for a Iive
venue to go into profit.
Make it a girIie bar.
Why don't you get up here
and sing.
They don't want me.
They don't want me either!
What's so funny?
DefiniteIy a Iive music cIub.
Not a goddamn girIie bar.
If you want singing
have a Karaoke bar.
Mr.Fei-Hong may have a point.
Butt out!
A Iegit cIub couId be a usefuI front.
Front, back, whatever.
It's a straight Iive music cIub!
That kind of Iife is behind us now.