You'II be the hottest singer
in Japan.
What do you think, great huh?!
I think you're fuII of shit.
FrankIy, it's very rare for a Iive
venue to go into profit.
Make it a girIie bar.
Why don't you get up here
and sing.
They don't want me.
They don't want me either!
What's so funny?
DefiniteIy a Iive music cIub.
Not a goddamn girIie bar.
If you want singing
have a Karaoke bar.
Mr.Fei-Hong may have a point.
Butt out!
A Iegit cIub couId be a usefuI front.
Front, back, whatever.
It's a straight Iive music cIub!
That kind of Iife is behind us now.
Great, fantastic, you're hired!
ReaI name?
Ikeda Yoshiko.
How Iong have you been doing this?
It's my first time.
Yeah right, Betty.
Not very.
How oId are you?
Not very.
I asked you, how oId you are!