Excuse me.
I'll get a Dewars on the rocks.
What are you getting?
- Uh, Budweiser.
- A Dewars on the rocks and a Bud.
God, I can't believe
the women in this city.
It's like the hottest one percent
from... from all over the world...
come to our gene pool.
Darwinism at its best.
- Yo, Mikey, what's up?
- Charles! How you doin', man?
- Ah, you know, man. You know.
- You get that pilot?
Nah, man. I know you didn't. Otherwise
you wouldn't be askin' me, right?
- That shit wasn't funny anyway.
- Piece of shit.
Charles, this is my friend Rob
from back East. He just moved out here.
- My pleasure.
- How you doin', man?
This is Charles.
We went to network on a pilot.
- Oh, yeah, I tested for one.
- A month ago.
- How'd your folks take it?
- Actually, I haven't heard an official "no" yet.
Oh, so you haven't
told them yet.
That's all right, man. I still haven't
told my folks I didn't get Deep Space Nine.
You figure they'd figure
it out by now, right?
- But Moms keeps asking me.
- Boy, does it hurt when they ask.
I don't even tell them about
anything I'm close on anymore.
Not 'til you book it.
You know, you might get cut out.
I'm considering taking
a part as Goofy.
- Well, at least it's Disney, right?
- Yeah.
Look, we're going to, uh,
we're going to this party in the hills.
Some modeling agency. Beautiful babies.
You want to come with?