- Ah, you know, man. You know.
- You get that pilot?
Nah, man. I know you didn't. Otherwise
you wouldn't be askin' me, right?
- That shit wasn't funny anyway.
- Piece of shit.
Charles, this is my friend Rob
from back East. He just moved out here.
- My pleasure.
- How you doin', man?
This is Charles.
We went to network on a pilot.
- Oh, yeah, I tested for one.
- A month ago.
- How'd your folks take it?
- Actually, I haven't heard an official "no" yet.
Oh, so you haven't
told them yet.
That's all right, man. I still haven't
told my folks I didn't get Deep Space Nine.
You figure they'd figure
it out by now, right?
- But Moms keeps asking me.
- Boy, does it hurt when they ask.
I don't even tell them about
anything I'm close on anymore.
Not 'til you book it.
You know, you might get cut out.
I'm considering taking
a part as Goofy.
- Well, at least it's Disney, right?
- Yeah.
Look, we're going to, uh,
we're going to this party in the hills.
Some modeling agency. Beautiful babies.
You want to come with?
Yeah, why not?
This place is dead anyway.
Let's go.
No, no, no, no, no.
Now, you got to admit...
that the Steadicam shot
in GoodFellas was the money.
The basement of the... the restaurant,
the Copa in New York.
- Through the kitchen, Mike.
- I heard it took them four days to light that shot.
Four days?
I don't know about four days.
- Well, that's what I heard.
- They have to hide all the lights.
Jesus, that must've
cost a fortune.
That's nothing. You know how much
money my man spent on that Vegas movie?
Wait. You gotta be nuts
to shoot in a casino.
All right, ready. Mean Streets?
- That's the dope.
- Dude, dude. Reservoir Dogs.
- Oh, stop with that fucking Reservoir Dogs.
- Which one?
The one right in the beginning where
they're walking in slow motion, man.
How can you even
compare the two, man?
Tarantino completely bites
everything from Scorsese.
- It's true.
- He's derivative.
You know what?
You gotta admit that did look money.