Calm down, will you?
- No one knows, don't panic!
- Of course not
You'd better check your room
as well
No one's been in here
But I must show you something
- I can't...
- Yes, you can!
- I don't want to!
- Yes, you do!
It didn't seem important at first
No, please, don't... please!
" Please..."
It's a cut
Look again
No, please, don't... please!
Why are you doing this to me?
It's been edited
Not just here, it's full of cuts
All done in the same way -
very subtle
He's almost in the same position
So why the cut?
You want to see everything in films
like these
The more you see, the better
So why cut it?
So we won't see something
Why me? Please -
She was going to say something
Something he doesn't want us to hear
His name
- She knew who he was
- So what?
So now we know something
about him
You sound like the police
Hey, don't insult me
We must find who were her friends
He might be one of them
I've had enough of this
You're scared
Of course I am, this isn't a game.
It's real killing
Piss off, then.
I'll do this on my own