You even drive
Too fast!
What are you doin' with him?
He's a drummer!
Hey, one-ders!
- whoo!
- whoo!
I don't know.
I haven't played in front of people
In so long,
So i was nervous.
But it sounds
Better fast.
Jimmy wanted it slow,
But he was wrong.
It's an up-tempo number.
And we won!
Thatjimmy fella
Certainly has a gal pal in faye.
They make
A cute couple, huh?
The only other band i was in
Was my uncle's band.
We played this wedding for free,
And then we broke up.
This one gets a paying gig.
So, what are you
Doin' next weekend?
Are you kidding?
I'm gonna see my boyfriend's
Music group.
Music group.
Y eah, and you're playing
At a restaurant
Out by the...airport?
[Italian accent]
[Band plays ballad]
And when i
Close my eyes
You'll be
Right by my side
If i could have
Just one request
Stay with me, girl
- [airplane]
- i confess
All my lone...ly
Thank you.
Table 1 9,
Your pizza's ready.
[rim shot]
Hey, when are you gonna play
That thing you do?
That's what we
Wanna hear!
Uh, has our fame
Preceded us?
Hey, we came here
To meet girls and dance,
And we can't meet girls
Until we dance!