And when i
Close my eyes
You'll be
Right by my side
If i could have
Just one request
Stay with me, girl
- [airplane]
- i confess
All my lone...ly
Thank you.
Table 1 9,
Your pizza's ready.
[rim shot]
Hey, when are you gonna play
That thing you do?
That's what we
Wanna hear!
Uh, has our fame
Preceded us?
Hey, we came here
To meet girls and dance,
And we can't meet girls
Until we dance!
All right, this is an opportune time
To pick it up a little.
All right, here's one
For the kid in the back.
Let's dance!
Doin' that thing
You do
Breakin' my heart
Into a million pieces
Like you...
Let it burn.
Let her burn.
Let her burn all night.
Bring me out here in the doggone
Middle of the night
To turn off the light.
Can't he ever
Get anything right?
''Oh, no. No, dad,
I'll--i'll be sure
To turn the lights off.''
Hell, he couldn't
Turn a light off at the house.
Why would he ever
Turn one off down here at the store?
Know what that is?
Flash cards?
A bonus.
Do you know why?
I have no idea.
To entice you back.
The word is out
On you o-neders.