Your fairness cleanses me.
To make love to you,
is to make love
to all of Germany.
Eva: My Führer.
( Hitler whispers )
My angel.
Eva: Wolfie?
Eva: What?
l represented
the rejection of the modern.
What is it, Adolf?
A return to the world
of Homer,
in which war isn't
about massive destruction,
but remains
first and foremost...
an instrument--
( coughs )
to enhance
a hero's personal glory.
Modern art
is the enfevered fantasies
of an incurably sick people.
The fact that nine-tenths
of artistic rubbish--
literary filth,
theatrical idiocy--
can be traced to the account
of one people,
of all the country's
can simply not be
talked away.
lt is the plain truth.
The Jewish-Christian creed,
with its effeminate ethics
undermines our vitality.
Morality is a decay,