to enhance
a hero's personal glory.
Modern art
is the enfevered fantasies
of an incurably sick people.
The fact that nine-tenths
of artistic rubbish--
literary filth,
theatrical idiocy--
can be traced to the account
of one people,
of all the country's
can simply not be
talked away.
lt is the plain truth.
The Jewish-Christian creed,
with its effeminate ethics
undermines our vitality.
Morality is a decay,
a blemish like
the Hebrew circumcision.
The German people must
learn to distrust reason,
the dirty and degrading
idea of conscience.
What number
was the last footnote?
28, mein Führer.
Footnote 29.
The Führer
wrote these words
for the first draft
of Mein Kampf,
the morning of May 2, 1924,
in Landsberg Prison.
ln other countries,
why do they keep
the German title Mein Kampf,
instead of translating it to...
My struggle?