More sugar!
Have a Christmas party night
A mistletoe song
for you to sing
With a couple trills
to start
If I catch you smoking again,
they'll never find the body.
Do you understand?
Have a cookie.
Attention, attention,
s'il vous plat.
As the year draws to a close,
I would like to share with you
just a few things
about myself,
things of which
I am especially proud.
First, I'm proud to say
that I don't smoke,
I don't drink,
and I don't swear.
Oh, shit, I do smoke and drink.
Block your ears.
Our dear friends,
may the best of your past
be the worst of your future.
I'll drink to that.
Take a bow, my dear.
Take a bow.
We got the mistletoe.
Oh, sweetie.
Eight years...
Except for my name,
all traces are lost.
I used to hire
expensive detectives.
Now I'm down to the cheap ones.
Doesn't seem to matter.
The woman I was, the one
I used to be, she's gone.
I've kissed her goodnight.
Don't move!
What the hell is this?
Don't give me attitude, sir.
See, you're assuming
I won't shoot your sorry ass,
and everyone knows,
when you make an assumption,
you make an ass
out of "u" and "mption".
Now, I'm Sergeant Madigan,
and if you do cop a 'tude,
I wilI see to it
you spend the next 10 years
in prison getting ass-fucked.
If the case is thrown out 'cause
my arrest was too violent,
I will personally hire men to
ass-fuck you for 10 years.