I'll drink to that.
Take a bow, my dear.
Take a bow.
We got the mistletoe.
Oh, sweetie.
Eight years...
Except for my name,
all traces are lost.
I used to hire
expensive detectives.
Now I'm down to the cheap ones.
Doesn't seem to matter.
The woman I was, the one
I used to be, she's gone.
I've kissed her goodnight.
Don't move!
What the hell is this?
Don't give me attitude, sir.
See, you're assuming
I won't shoot your sorry ass,
and everyone knows,
when you make an assumption,
you make an ass
out of "u" and "mption".
Now, I'm Sergeant Madigan,
and if you do cop a 'tude,
I wilI see to it
you spend the next 10 years
in prison getting ass-fucked.
If the case is thrown out 'cause
my arrest was too violent,
I will personally hire men to
ass-fuck you for 10 years.
So if you're
an ass-fucking fan,
you go ahead and mouth off.
Meanwhile, you're under arrest
for the crime of prostitution.
Officer Donlevy,
read him his rights.
His rights.
You have the remight... you have
the right to remain silent.
And... anything
you say and do
will be held
against you...
Hey, you got to listen
to me, man. I got a wife.
I've never...
This is the first time
I've ever done this,
I swear to God.
Sir. Sir! Listen to me.
I can see from your choice here
you're not a wealthy man.
Now, in light of the damage
this arrest could do to you,
I think we might be able to make
some kind of arrangement.
Oh, God!
Got to stop using bums.
Forget that.
They looked like cops.
We pulled it off, didn't we?
It was embarrassing.
You want me to hire
actors, for chrissake?
These guys are cheap.
They work for food.
When they puke all over you,
is that like a refund?