Tom? It's Julie.
Hi, Julie...
- Julie?
- Can I come over?
I have to talk to you.
- Come over here?
- Yeah. I'm in the neighborhood.
I'm coming, okay?
- What are you doing?
- Someone's coming over. A girl.
Don't make a big deal...
Is that what you're wearing?
It's my friggin' house!
Okay, try not to say "friggin',"
don't call me "Tom-Tom"...
and no stories about me doing magic.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- What's going on?
- Nothing.
- So, could I come in, or...
- Oh, sure.
- Julie, this is my mom.
- Oh, hi.
I'm Tom's mom.
How are you?
Tom-Tom comes out
in his funny little hat and cape...
and he has a little magic wand.
I'm telling you,
he was the cutest thing you ever saw!
- I got a picture.
- Mom, no pictures.
- Oh, wait, no! I got one in...
- Mom!
I'm goin' in the kitchen now.
It was really nice meeting you.
Oh, it was nice meeting you too.