- What's going on?
- Nothing.
- So, could I come in, or...
- Oh, sure.
- Julie, this is my mom.
- Oh, hi.
I'm Tom's mom.
How are you?
Tom-Tom comes out
in his funny little hat and cape...
and he has a little magic wand.
I'm telling you,
he was the cutest thing you ever saw!
- I got a picture.
- Mom, no pictures.
- Oh, wait, no! I got one in...
- Mom!
I'm goin' in the kitchen now.
It was really nice meeting you.
Oh, it was nice meeting you too.
- I'm sorry.
- No, I'm sorry.
It's just, this thing happened
and I didn't know who else to turn to.
Well, what's...
what's up?
Scott came to see me
last night.
He did?
What, at work?
- Yeah.
- How is Scott?
He made a pass at me.
Oh, my... Wh...
I can't believe he did this!
What in... What...
I can't believe it!
How could he kiss you like that
when he's supposed to be married?
- How do you know he kissed me?
- How do l... How's that?
I said "pass,"
I didn't say "kiss."
- Oh, my God! Did he tell you this?
- No. I'm sorry.
- I hear "pass," I move right to "kiss."
- Well, he did kiss me.
What is he thinking?
I don't know what to do.
Do I tell Cynthia? Do I not tell her?
Oh, you... you... you tell her.
This is a moral issue.
Unfortunately, Scott is an adulterer and
that is something Cynthia should know.
Okay, okay, but what if
it's not all Scott's fault, all right?
- What if it's partly my fault?
- What do you mean?