Yes, it is.
You don't even remember that guy.
That is so nice of you.
No, it... it really isn't.
# Because I'm still
in love with you #
# I wanna see you
dance again #
# Because I'm still
in love with you #
# On this harvest moon ##
- That's your room?
- What?
Yeah. I tried to
get that off.
It's, like, welded
to the door.
Can I see?
Um, my mom doesn't really
like me to drive her car.
We really shouldn't dally.
W- We're getting into
a dangerous zone here.
You wait here, okay?
Oh, shit.
- Oh, Julie. Julie...
- Oh, my God.
- I know. I should probably
get rid of the bunk bed, huh?
- Oh! I'm sorry.
- Shh!
- Do you still play?
- Not really? Do you?
No. I lost mine.
- I remember these.
- Yeah.